Najnowsze artykuły w kategorii: Business
Czym jest “Polski Nowy Ład”?
Czy jest to zapowiedź kolejnego otwarcia? Czy jest to program odbudowy gospodarki po pandemii? Czy są to środki na rekompensaty dla przedsiębiorców, którzy ponieśli straty z powodu pandemii? Polski Nowy Ład jest elementem wielkiej transformacji, która dotyczy przebudowy gospodarki UE … Continue reading
China Homelife Show 2017- the connection between Poland and China under the “Belt and Road”
—- Feng Ping Jerzy Daniel Rzymanek
The eurozone is no place for poor countries
Written by Simon Tilford, 27 June 2014 The economic rationale for poorer countries joining the eurozone was that it would hasten economic convergence between themselves and the richer members of the currency union. They would benefit from a stable macroeconomic … Continue reading
Hungary’s GDP grew by almost 4 percent in Q2 2014
In Q2 2014, Hungary’s GDP was up by 3.9 percent in comparison to the corresponding period of the previous year, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on the basis of preliminary data. This has been the highest quarterly GDP … Continue reading
The EU–Korea Free Trade Agreement in the light of EU and Korean FTA Polices and Korea’s Legislative Framework of Free Trade Agreements
Byung-Chul Won The author is Attorney at Law (Member of the New York Bar), Director/Poland Liaison Office of the Korea Eximbank, 53 Emilii Plater Street, 00–113 Warsaw, Poland.